Full Games
Complete Top-Down Controller
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Want to create a Top-Down game for Mobile or PC and don't know where to begin? This asset will give you a HUGE head start and allow you to have a game up and running in minutes!

Get started quickly and easily with all the core mechanics that you’ll need to navigate and interact with your top-down game world. After a short initial set up, you’ll be able to add an animated Player Character, Touch Screen Mobile Controls, Teleport Tiles, Interactable Objects, Pushable Blocks, Music, and more to your game! Use the included prefab as a template or use your own existing tilemap to start adding items and creating an interactive world for your players!


Included in this package is an Example Scene, Animation Controller Templates, Sprite and Tilemap Images, Sounds, and Prefabs. The images and sounds included for the examples are NOT exclusive to this package and can be downloaded for FREE from the links below:

*Note: This asset uses the old Input System as well as the CrossPlatformInput system from the Unity Standard Assets Package.

Coming soon to the Unity Asset Store!

N/A replace with something witty.

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